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KICKER ZR, ZX, XS Power Amplifiers

Crystal-clear sound quality, rock-solid power, drop-dead looks, and unmatched system design flexibility are why so many IASCA and USAC World Champions and Finalists built their systems around the power of KICKER amps.

KICKER ZR stereo and ZX four-channel amplifiers combine remarkably advanced design technology with highest-grade electronic components for sound quality that would be amazing in a recording studio, let alone in a car!

Performance features like stable operation to one ohm stereo or two ohms mono, automatic bridging, dependable real world power from 12.5 to 16VDC, and KICKER's trend-setting Active Signal Processing Module technology make these the most serious power trip in car audio. Choose from five models rated from 30 to 250 watts/channel into 4 ohms and up to 1000 watts in bridged mono.

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